Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 10.30-11.00 am
For enquiries about Baptisms please contact the Parish Office or phone the Parish Priest on 020 8642 2088.
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion classes are usually held on Saturday afternoons during term-time, for children in year 3 or above. A team of Parish catechists prepare the children for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in May/June.
First Holy Communion 2025
Registration forms for children in Primary School Year 3 (or above) are available here.
Classes will start in the New Year and First Holy Communion will be celebrated on 10th and 11th May 2025.
Please note that the closing date for registration is 30 November 2024.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated at St Christopher’s every two years. Candidates from age 12+ and in years 8 and 9 (or higher years) at secondary school are asked to apply for Confirmation when they feel ready. A team of catechists conducts a course leading up to the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes are held in the parish hall on Friday evenings. For further information please contact the parish priest or the parish office.
Marriages and convalidation of civil marriages are arranged by appointment with the Parish Priest. It is the policy of the Bishops' Conference of England & Wales that at least six months' notice be given, but it is quite usual for couples to see the priest one year before they plan to marry. Marriages are conducted for parishioners or for those who attend St Christopher’s regularly.
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is administered whenever requested by parishioners at home or in one of the local nursing homes. This sacrament may be received as often as required.
Should you need to contact a priest in an emergency:
020 8642 2088 - St Christopher's, Cheam
020 8641 3141 - St Cecilia's, North Cheam
020 8642 0275 - Our Lady of the Rosary, Sutton
020 8641 7458 - Holy Family, Sutton Green
Holy Orders
Enquiries about the diaconate, priesthood and religious life can be made to the Parish Priest, to the Archdiocese or to individual religious orders.