Summary of meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council held on 12th November 2024


There was a particularly large attendance at this meeting as the PPC membership is in a transition phase with new members joining alongside existing members, including some who will step down in the New Year.


Martin, the new chair, emphasised the importance of everyone having a voice where diversity of opinion is valued, and went on to describe the future composition of the PPC.  Three parishioners had already responded to the request for volunteers to fill the eight vacancies on the council; the council was pleased to accept these offers from Rhoda, Chris and Natalie.  Among the places still to be filled are youth representatives and a representative from the Syro-Malabar community, together with places open to any parishioner.  The agenda for future meetings will balance discussion of routine matters with a deeper exploration of a particular aspect of parish life, such as formation, youth ministries, or outreach.


Deborah, the parish treasurer, gave a finance overview. 2023 ended in a deficit largely due to ‘extraordinary’ expenditure carried out at the Presbytery which to date totals £27,500 due to there having been no real investment in the property for the past 20 years. The outstanding work is estimated to cost a further £3,500.  Other aspects of finance discussed included the re-establishment of the parish finance committee, legacies, gift aid and the introduction of card readers.


Angela, one of the parish safeguarding representatives, briefed PPC members the updating of safeguarding procedures across the Diocese. She emphasised the importance of recognising that ALL are responsible for safeguarding and any concerns should be shared rather than ignored or assuming that someone else will report it.  All parish volunteers will be given a leaflet on safeguarding and will be asked to complete a volunteer form.  For regulated activities such as Children’s Liturgy or Eucharistic Ministers etc each person must have a DBS check.  All volunteers will be required to do a Level 3 safeguarding course. Angela and Kim will run a training course in the hall, as an alternative to the on-line version available through the Diocese.


Virginia provided an update on the resolution of recent issues with the heating system.  There followed some discussion on premises security and the need to maintain a register of keyholders.  It was agreed to form a subgroup to explore possible options and costs for refurbishment of the church benches, and for possible improvements to the parish hall. It was also agreed that an annual review of the state of the premises should be conducted to assist with financial planning.


Arrangements for forthcoming events were discussed including the Winter Fair, the Advent talk by Father Marcus Holden, the Advent Carol Service, and Christian Unity Week 2025.  Possible events for 2025 were also discussed including an afternoon tea, a pilgrimage or picnic, and a talk; a quiz night is already arranged  for Wednesday 12th February.


A draft copy of the PPC annual report to parishioners had been circulated in advance of the meeting;  members were invited to provide feedback in order that the report could be finalised and published.


Share your thoughts and suggestions


We would welcome your feedback on the work of the parish pastoral council as described in this meeting summary, and your ideas on how we could further develop our parish community.  Please let us have your feedback either via the parish office ( or by speaking to any member of the PPC.  We’d also welcome further volunteers to contribute to organising or supporting our many activities and ministries. We really look forward to hearing from you.