The Parish Priest: Fr Antony James
St Christopher's Catholic Church
59 Tabor Gardens
Presbytery Tel: 0208 642 2088
The Parish Office: Virginia
St Christopher's Catholic Church
Dallas Road
Parish Office Tel: 020 3649 5994
Office hours: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Mon - Fri
Should you need to contact a priest in an emergency:
020 8642 2088 - St Christopher's, Cheam
020 8641 3141 - St Cecilia's, North Cheam
020 8642 0275 - Our Lady of the Rosary, Sutton
020 8641 7458 - Holy Family, Sutton Green
Car Parking in the church precincts is reserved for parishioners who are asked to display a special permit on the windscreen of their vehicle on Monday to Friday. Permits are available from the Parish Office. When parking cars in Tabor Gardens parishioners are kindly requested to park with thought and consideration for local residents and in particular to avoid causing any restriction of access to residents' driveways. Parking is permitted on the single yellow lines at any time except 1100 - 1200 on Monday to Friday, but parking is never permitted on the double yellow or double red lines. In the interests of safety and reverence please also ensure that children are prevented from playing/running around in the car park after Sunday Mass.