Altar Servers serve at Masses and other ceremonies throughout the Church year. Volunteers are always welcome. All applicants must be baptised Catholics in Year 4 and above who have received their First Holy Communion. For further information please contact the Parish Master of Ceremonies via the Parish Office.

Bridge Drives are held weekly by a group which rents the parish hall for this purpose. Parishioners interested in participating may wish to contact the organiser via the Parish Office.

Catechists are Parishioners who give their time to prepare children and young people for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, and who conduct the Children's Liturgy. Anyone interested in becoming a catechist should contact the Parish Priest who will put them in touch with the relevant co-ordinator. It is not necessary to have any expert qualifications to be a catechist and many parents have found great fulfilment in assisting in the preparation of candidates for the Sacraments of the Church. Please note that this voluntary post requires a Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check.

Catenian Association is an organisation of Catholic professional and business men who meet monthly with the primary objective of fostering friendship and a spirit of constructive mutual support amongst themselves and their families. The obligations of membership are not onerous either in terms of duties or financial commitment.

Children's Liturgy is conducted in the Parish Hall during the 10am Mass on Sundays to encourage children to develop their understanding of the Mass. Children learn hymns, listen to the Gospel reading, make their own prayers and take responsibility for the offertory procession.

Choir provides music for the liturgy at the 10am Mass on Sunday and on other major feasts. The Choir leads the singing at weddings and funerals on request. Rehearsals are held in the church on Thursday evenings at 7.30 pm. New members are most welcome. Ability to read music is not essential. For further information please contact the Choir Leader via the Parish Office.

Church Cleaning volunteers are asked to contact the Parish Administrator. Currently church cleaning takes place on Thursday mornings immediately after the 10am Mass.

Coffee and refreshments are served in the parish hall after the 10am Mass on Sunday. Please add your name to the coffee rota if you would like to help, by contacting the Parish Administrator. Coffee is also provided for the volunteers who help clean the church after 10am Mass on Thursdays.

Flowers in the church are arranged by a team. If you would like to lend your expertise on an occasional basis, please contact the Parish Office.

Knights of St. Columba are a world-wide fraternal benefit society formed to provide religious and civic usefulness. The local council meets in the parish hall on the third Tuesday of each month. For further information please contact the Parish Office.

Ministers of the Eucharist perform this duty by rotation at all Masses and also administer the Eucharist to the sick and housebound.

Parents and Toddlers Group meets during school term-time on Wednesday mornings in the Parish Hall from 945am - 1115 am. This is a very popular group and you may have to join a waiting list in order to gain a place. For further information please contact the Parish Office.

Parish Pastoral Council is the principal consultative body in the Parish. Membership is as follows:

Ex-Officio Members:
Parish Priest
Parish Administrator
Parish Treasurer
Parish MC
Choir Leader
Deanery Pastoral Council Representative
Ecumenical Representative

Parish Group Representatives:  Ministers of the Eucharist Readers Catechists Church Cleaners Senior Citizens Social Group Youth Ministry

For further information regarding the Parish Pastoral Council please click on ‘Parish Pastoral Council’ on the Opening Page of the Website.

Missio operates a fund-raising scheme based on collection boxes which are retained in parishioners' homes and collected periodically for counting and despatch. For further information please contact the Parish Office.

Parish Discussions are held from time to time and cover a range of subjects. Details are advertised in the Parish weekly newsletter.

Parish Socials are held throughout the year on a Monday evening in the parish hall at 8pm. Details of the varying events are advertised in the newsletter.  All are welcome.  Contact the Parish Office for more information.

Reading at Mass and for other ceremonies is provided by a team of volunteers who carry out this duty by rotation. New readers are always welcome and are invited to inform the Parish Office of their interest.

Rosary is said at 9.40 am on weekdays before Mass.

Senior Citizens have special parish events arranged during the year. These include two CAFOD Fast Day lunches and a Christmas meal.

Volunteers are always needed to help with events organised for the elderly members of our parish and to transport them on an occasional basis. From time to time the parish also holds senior citizens' lunches, for which volunteers are also welcome. If you can help in any of these ways, please contact the Parish Administrator on 0203 649 5994.