Summary of meeting on 10th February 2025
The process of filling vacancies created by the new PPC structure continued at this meeting, with members agreeing to the co-option of five further parishioners who had offered their services. These include parishioners who have served on the PPC before (Nick, Donna and Violet) and members new to the council (Teresa, and Shiby who will represent the Syro-Malabar community). This leaves vacant only the places reserved for youth representatives.
Father Antony noted the success of our Christian Unity Week service which was well attended by our own parishioners and by representatives of our local Christian churches; he thanked all those involved in the organisation of the event. Arrangements for the archdiocesan “Called to Bear Fruit” consultation were discussed; rather than forming a group from within the PPC, members will join other groups that are being formed within the parish.
Deborah, the parish treasurer, reported that the parish finance committee has been re-formed and held its first meeting. She outlined plans for an annual financial report to parishioners to be provided over several weekends, which will include promotion of the gift aid scheme. She also reported on the continuing investigation of the options for the introduction of a card reader in the church to facilitate credit/debit card payments.
Kim, one of the parish safeguarding representatives, briefed PPC members on safeguarding procedures across the archdiocese. We will be accelerating efforts to get volunteer registration forms completed and to deliver safeguarding training to volunteers.
James provided an update on premises issues including the heating system, necessary repairs to the skylights ion the roof of the parish hall, and the review and upgrade of health and safety provisions. Martin provided an update on the first meeting of the refurbishment working group which is examining options for the refurbishment of the church benches, and for possible improvements to the parish hall.
Arrangements for forthcoming events were discussed including the Parish Quiz Night, Lenten talk by Canon Gibbons, a day of Adoration and a parish afternoon tea. Other potential events through the remainder of the year were also discussed, including participation in an archdiocesan event to celebrate to jubilee year, and a possible parish visitation. It was agreed to explore how best to ensure parishioners are aware of, and have information about, all the groups that meet regularly within the parish.
Share your thoughts and suggestions
We would welcome your feedback on the work of the parish pastoral council as described in this meeting summary, and your ideas on how we could further develop our parish community. Please let us have your feedback either via the parish office ( or by speaking to any member of the PPC. We’d also welcome further volunteers to contribute to organising or supporting our many activities and ministries. We really look forward to hearing from you.