We are committed to promoting social justice and development.



CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. It is the official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. CAFOD has been fighting poverty in developing countries since 1962.CAFOD believes that all human beings have a right to dignity and respect, and that the world's resources are a gift to be shared equally by all men and women, whatever their race, nationality or religion.CAFOD is a member of the Caritas International Federation, a worldwide network of Catholic relief and development organisations. For more information see our website World Gifts.

Each gift supports a Fund which belongs to a particular area of our work, with the promise that the money raised will be spent on relevant projects within that area. This gives us the flexibility to respond in ways that best meet the particular needs of many different communities.


ICIN - Iraqi Christinas In Need

ICIN - Iraqi Christinas In Need.  Charity Registered in England, answering the cry for help of needy Iraqi Christians who are being displaced and persecuted.


The Apostleship of the Sea

The Apostleship of the Sea is a Catholic charity supporting seafarers worldwide.  We provide practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality, belief or race.  Our port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome seafarers, offer welfare services and advice, practical help, care and friendship.

ACN - Aid to the Church in Need

ACN - Aid to the Church in Need is an international pastoral aid organization of the Catholic Church


St Raphael's Hospice

St Raphael's Hospice offers hospice care to those facing life-threatening illness in the boroughs of Merton and Sutton. Many parishioners do voluntary work at the Hospice. For further information please contact the Voluntary Services Co-ordinator - telephone 8335 4575